Stress of your hair fall?
Why does your hair fall ?
if you want to look attractive, hair should be your first priority. If you have perfect look of hair it will give you eyecatching glance. But if you are amongst those 60% of the females, who is suffering / with hair problems, then you know the shock of being less haired over your head. The major problem is that women doesnt share their hair loss problems , think unnecessary about it and take tension which will make more hair loss, however, men can openly discuss the problem and thus able to try on several treatment options including treatment of hair loss using medications, etc.
Most of the women suffer from hair loss, dont worry you aren't only the one who face it. According to a clinical analysis, one in every four women is suffering with hair problems. Females also keep worrying, why hair loss happens?
The major issue of hair fall is consumption of unhealthy food, pregnancy, menopause, excess physical exercise. The hair thinning as a genetic factor normally occurs between 18 to 24 years of age.
The most common form of hair loss due to genetic or other medical factors is alopecia androgenecia. This is the sort of hair problem in which the hair becomes extremely thin so that one can see through it. Alopecia areta is another form of hair problem that normally starts as tiny bald patches but may result into total hair loss, if not taken care of. If you can believe it, almost one quarter of the world population is suffering with some type of hair problems. And any sort of hair problems in females affect self confidence and sometimes, may even lead to anxiety and depression.
You should settle and try to distinguish about your hair loss. There are a number of treatment options available for treating hair problems, depending on the kind and severity of problems. Your doctor may suggest you some oil / cream / lotion to apply on your scalps. If hair loss is due to hormonal or hereditary or due to some other serious health problems then your doctor may prescribe you a variety of medications.
Beside going to hospital, you also can take care of your hairs to avoid hair loss. How??
Here are given some tips and tricks to prevent you from bad hair days. If this is not the solution you should check up your health, you may suffer from other health problems.
1.Analyze your diet. Nutrition plays a vital role in keeping healthy tresses. Lack of essential vitamins and minerals and proteins etc may switch hair problems. Ask your doctor / nutritionist for help.
2.Opt for loose and comfortable hair style. Give up the hairstyle that introduces tensions in your hair follicles. For example; tight ponytails, chignons and plaits.
3.Avoid layered cuts as these create misapprehensions of more vigor.
4.Do not use in large the heated hair styling tools, such as; tongs and straightening irons, as these may create strain and breakage of hair.
5.Use wigs and hair extensions or use hats, scarves and funky jewellary to draw attention away from your hairs.
6.Ask your hair dresser to monitor your hair growth, but not become obsessed about it.
7.Stress is a major trigger to hair loss. Try to stay positive.
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